Nice! I enjoyed the song and agree that it's a total class production.

That said, I can never resist a suggestion or two. wink

This lyric stuck out a bit:

You always help me out
And bring me liberty

The word "liberty" doesn't seem a good fit. For one, it doesn't match the informal language you've used up to that point. Second, it seems to me that bringing someone liberty is a bit more than "helping out".

The lyric:

I call upon your name

also moves from an informal familiarity to a very formal relationship, as opposed to:

I'm calling out your name

I'm not saying it's wrong, and certainly not saying my suggestion is better. I think I know why you wrote it like that - I just thought I'd be mention it. crazy

Finally - and a hesitate to say it, because I've got a pretty severe lateral "s" myself - there are some points where "there" comes out as "dare".

But... these are all tiny nits. It really is a total class production, and enjoyable to listen to.

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?