Originally Posted By: cubalibre
Hi guitarhacker,

I do not know how to use the sample libraries. Where can I find some help to start using and try them with BIAB?

can I use them with sforzando?
what extension have the samples libraries? wav?

sorry I'm newbie :-)

I stopped using SFZ when I stopped using fonts.

When you buy the sample libraries, you very often get the player. For example, Native Instruments is a superb place to get good quality sample libraries. They also sell the VST player and I think they may even have some free stuff on their site that you can download and use for free. Kontakt is one of the best VST's on the market. Lots of really fine samples from NI and a ton of third party stuff too.

People often look for fonts because they are cheap or free. I did. But the more you work with midi you will find that you often get what you pay for. The stuff like Kontakt (NI) isn't cheap but it's professional quality. The Kontakt player and it's associated sample libraries are considered professional quality for use in film and TV music production.

If you only have the money to buy one VST player..... Kontakt is my recommendation. You can often watch the recording website forums in their software sections. Folks are all the time telling about special deals, reduced prices, and freebies that only last for a few days. Grab those no-brainer deals. I got GPO, Miroslav, and EW for free or really cheap by doing that. Keep your eyes open and your credit card ready.

FREE STUFF ON NATIVE INSTRUMENTS SITE: https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/free/


Last edited by Guitarhacker; 09/06/17 04:10 AM.

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You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.