I've used the "winning lottery" line a lot on stage.

One night, quite a few years ago, a regular customer came up with a request on a lottery ticket.

At the end of the gig he told us that it was a "quick pick" and just in case it was a winner, he bought one with the same numbers as the QP so that if we won, he would share the prize with us instead of be disappointed that he gave away a fortune.

It didn't win anything.

But we did know the song.

We've got this new, regular gig (couple of times per month) at a RV Resort (some of those rigs go for over a million dollars) and lately a lot of "soft rock" songs have been requested. We learned "Tin Man" a few weeks ago and we're working on Bob Seger's "Still The Same" now. But none of those requests came up on a winning lottery ticket frown

Such is life.


Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks