I agree! It's time to make the step out of windows. Ubuntu and linux is much more interesting for more and more people and it's free. But, biab and pt does not work good enough with wine yet. I've tried BIAB 2008, PT12 under ubuntu 7.10 and wine 0.9.59. Both biab and pt work with my yamaha cp300 and the free SFZ VST plugin (using sf2-files), but it's very unstable with vst plugin. Some of the graphics is not stable. The repeat sign disappear in BIAB, and some of the windows hides, then you have to move windows to catch the boxes. In PT some of the icons for minimized windows are very strange. But it is so near perfect, it works 95 – 99%.
Next week Canonical is going to release Ubuntu 8.04 – a very nice distro, with new pulse-audio soundsystem. In june Winehq is going to release ver. 1.0. The analytics like Gartner says that windows is nearly dead like an old dinosaur, because of the heavy structure.....
More and more people, schools and official instutions discover and swap to linux now, and the only reason for using windows is a few important apps like BIAB, PT and Finale. So PG-MUSIC -Please make the step out of MSWINDOWS!