Originally Posted By: floyd jane
Originally Posted By: Noel96

Congratulations to you and your wife on your 10th anniversary!

I found this composition of yours to be quite mesmerising. The language of impressionistic poetry wrapped in a musical texture that was both haunting and intriguing fascinated my imagination. In addition, every now and then it seemed to me that there was glimmer of Siam in the melody you were singing. You held my attention throughout.

A pleasantly haunting journey.

All the best for 2018!

Originally Posted By: Torrey Bliss
Robert, as I listened it occurred to me how rapidly your production skills are improving. I am noticing a lot of little fine touches showing up in your mixes ....Torrey

Originally Posted By: David Snyder

I feel a little bit of the Cat Stevens vibe going on here in the arrangement, which is a great thing in my book.

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.... I whole-heartly agree with all the sentiment expressed by Noel, Torrey, David...

This is a beautiful song, delivered well - the love included is obvious. The production builds nicely. The lyric is cinematic.

I always enjoy listening to your music... few more so that this one...

I am truly enjoying your music journey, Robert... hope it continues for many years to come...


Floyd makes my day!
Many thanks for keeping an ear to my songs.
