Originally Posted By: MarioD
I agree with everything that has been said thus far.

Congrats on your tenth anniversary.

This is your best to date IMHO. Your vocal was perfect for this song but your lyrics took it over the top!

Two thumbs up.

Thank you, Mario!

Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
"The language of impressionistic poetry wrapped in a musical texture that was both haunting and intriguing fascinated my imagination. "

Not much to add after that.

Congrats on the 10th and were I (Bud) a writer of your skills I would write one for Janice this very minute.

Kudos also on the arrangement and mix. Very nice.



The lyrics were the result of many months thinking about how to make a portrait that would be unique to my wife - and also hint at her culture, which was part of the attraction for me. Glad you felt I did good!
Just set up new Rokit monitors and can tell they are going to change mixes - no more guessing if the headphone take is good enough.