Mr. Dean...

Your "Time Machine" is upfront, in-your-face and personal laugh! That rhythm, that rhythm, that RHYTHM! It's not just rhythm you feel -- it's a rhythm that feels you up! It's a motion-finder, a soul-sensor, a compass on the floor

with an arrow spin-ning back/
and forth/
to the beat/
so we can move and groove/
to the beat/
and move/
and groove/
and do it a-gain...

I think that your voice -- solo and in harmony -- is raw, urgent, and unrestrained, crooning a rocker's blues. It's a perfect counterpoint to the electricity of the guitars and the bass pulsing like a coded signal.

The lyrics are wildly imaginative as they FLASH scenes and meanings as rapidly as a kaleidoscope. The whole thing is classic, a rocker's fever-dream.

You treated us to a lot of sound and style, Mr. Dean. Rock on!


"Music is what feelings sound like."-- borrowed from a Cakewalk Music Creator forum member, "Mamabear".