Originally Posted By: MarioD
This is kick @ss fantastic! A completely different version that I never saw coming. Everything about this is top shelf!

This is a keeper for sure.

Thanks so much Mario! I always enjoy listening to your songs. I often get lost in how cool they are because they are different than most of what I hear. To be able to return that favor, in even a small way, has me feeling pretty d#$% good.

PS - don't give us anymore BS about your lack of mixing and EQing skills. We now know better.

Oh, trust me, there wasn't much done AT ALL on this. It would be embarrassing if I were to show you how little I did! NO BS. I don't even "wish" I was better at it. I really don't like that side of music. I appreciate it BIG TIME, but hit "mute" on wanting to do that YEARS ago. I've come to accept, that ain't ma thang.

Thanks for the listen and comments!

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.