
The Oxygen 49 and 61 series of keyboards from M-Audio have 9 sliders that can be assigned in 'Drawbar Mode'. The older Oxygen 49 (silver model - the one I have) can be had relatively inexpensively on eBay, completed listings of 70-100 bucks are common (just checked).

I don't actually use it that way with my B3 emulation software (I never had quality time with a real B3 to come up with my own presets) but I know it's available and possible.

Rotary speaker slow/stop/fast I do with the mod-wheel - that's what's default programmed in my VB3 software and it seems to work well.

One thing you won't like - the keyfeel and sharp edges of the keys = painful and erratic palm slides.

So the Ketron has an actual drawbar mode that's realistic?

Check out this guy's gutting of a B3 for controllers to work with B4:

Have you checked out the DIY kits from Doepfer? That link is for a 3 manual organ controller keyboard. Doepfer also sells little DIY project kits that could work with a bank of faders and send MIDI data.

Here's one with 16 sliders, looks to be about 300$

Last edited by rockstar_not; 12/01/09 01:09 PM.