Originally Posted By: Al-David

Diana and I just listened and watched. She's smiling with tears on her cheeks. This is just so beautiful. What a gorgeous song! You have no idea how much she (and I) appreciate the thoughtfulness, time, effort and care you gave this gorgeous song. Thank you so very much, mate. You're the best.

Di sends her best wishes and a big hug. We are humbled.

Alan & Di

PS: Regarding the title -

Graham PM'd me and said he was working on a song for Diana and asked what kind of music she liked. He offered this and she loved it, as did I. He then asked what would be an appropriate title. I explained it as follows:

Di has often said that life is much like a leaf in a the wind. It's journey will pass through both good and bad times, calm and gentle or stormy and wild, fully at the mercy of direction of the wind. For Di, the wind symbolizes her faith in God and the leaf symbolizes her, as she is guided through whatever her Maker has in store for her. Thus the title.

Di is fairly stable at the time - looking forward to our move into the assisted living facility. We'll be moving in on the 15th of march. It will be a huge adjustment but it is the best option to keep her as healthy as possible. So, we are okay with it.

She and I send ou humble appreciation to all of you - your kindness and caring is sincerely touching and makes a difference - really. many thanks! I may get a chance to drop in for a while this evening and listen to a few songs - hope so!

Alan & Di

Hi Alan,
So so so glad Diana likes the tune, it's made my day as well, knowing that