Originally Posted By: kybordr
Really fine job all through. And by the way, I really liked and appreciated your notes up top about your process...very interesting and informative.

Thanks, Rob.

I figure confession is good for the soul, and sometimes the most distinctive or interesting parts of my songs come about purely by accident, or as a creative solution to something that went wrong.

For me, the final mix is the most frustrating part of the process. That's the point where reality that the vision of the song just doesn't match the sonic reality, and I've got serious doubts that I'll be able salvage it.

It's also the point where my poor computer is overloaded, stuttering and flailing under the weight of way too many tracks. For some reason, effects on the master bus of Reaper seem to be more CPU hungry than other effects.

My son reminded me that mastering is supposed to be a separate step, and when I went back and re-mixed and re-mastered the song, I found it useful to separate the two of them out, because you're trying to solve different problems in the different steps.

Anyway, thanks for the positive feedback! I appreciate it.

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?