Originally Posted By: eddie1261
Herb, do you save as WAV and then import to your DAW? I have tried drag and drop several times and found it to be inconsistent.


First thing I do once I realize I'm going to work on a song to finish it,is, I create a folder and place it in my YEARLY Projcts folder. I save my BB & RB projects in there, and also the individual waves rendered from the RB session. Some times I do not save the RB project, just the waves from it.

I then import those individual waves into Sonar tracks for finishing the project.

I had tried to use the drag and drop function in RB but when I drop them into Sonar, all sorts of wonky thing happen...like I'm dragging just one track and in Sonar, I get over a dozen new blank tracks suddenly appear and the content is nowhere to be found. So I stopped using that method after deleting dozens of tracks that weren't needed.

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Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.