Originally Posted By: Torrey Bliss

Hands down, this is my favorite vocal performance of yours! There is a sincerity in the vocal that is undeniable! This is pretty good writing from such a young lad in my opinion! Glad you brought it back to life here! Thanks, Torrey

Thanks, Torrey. I did have over 40 years to practice that vocal...

Originally Posted By: Greg Johnson
WOW!! One thing is clear from this....some people are just born writers! A lot of great stuff here for a 20-year-old mind, but then we're not talking about just any 20-year-old. FJ has obviously had the knack for a long, long time. I remember this era, and am just a few years behind Floyd. It was turbulent, intense, and fascinating. I feel very lucky to have grown up when I did. A lot of great music came out of it, but there was a lot of conflict, and a lot of misery, particularly for Viet Nam vets. Thanks for bringing this one back for us Floyd! Take care. Greg

Thanks for that, Greg... We did grow up in interesting times...

Thanks to everyone for the reception that this song has gotten. It has been a rewarding experience. Thanks to all who have shared their story - especially those who served...

Thank you.