From another thread:


Best advice concerning the use of virtual amplifier simulators I ever got:

"Stick to the models of amps that you KNOW from using the real thing onstage."


So, what advice for those who have little experience using the real thing? I have relatively recently cast myself in the role of electric lead player. Trouble is, I come from an acoustic and rhythm background and have next to no experience using guitar amps in the real world. Never had my hands on a Marshall, a Boogie, a Soldano, or other exotics.

I have a Roland VG-88 V-Guitar which is loaded with guitar, amp, and effect simulations. So, how best to get the most out of the palette available to me? I lust after the tones of Jeff Beck, Eric Johnson, Carlos Santana, and others (always with the goal of creating my own signature sound), but have only been able to go so far looking up the 'settings of the stars' on the interwebz. Help me, Obi-Wan!


"My primary musical instrument is the personal computer."