Hi Warren,

I only use RB to generate tracks, sometimes a little editing in there and sometimes to record vocals. I drag it all into Reaper to mix.

I have win 10 and the latest RB and updates. Some of the issues you describe I've had for sure since 2017 maybe longer. Since it's more of an annoyance and going to Reaper anyway, I never took the time to get anyone at PG or here to troubleshoot the problems.

The scrolling goes nuts whenever it feels like it. Up and down really fast until it decides to stop I have no control. I haven't figured out a pattern of when and why. Sometimes I have no scroll bar at all side to side. And the zoom can go as crazy as the up down. The volume nodes are wonky so I avoid them. And my latest crash was yesterday.

Just wanted you to know you are not alone in some of these issues. Please follow up here or send me a pm if you get it sorted. I'd be interested to know how you did it.
