Originally Posted By: BlueAttitude
It is not my claim, I read it in the SOS article from the link Joe provided a few posts ago.

About half way down that article there is a greyed out section called “Choosing headphones for mixing”.

Read paragraph four where he talks about open back phones providing cross feed between the ears.

I see that there and SOS is typically a credible source. Doesn’t bear out with the physics of acoustics and the distance between the ears. I will see if Mr. Walker is still living and if he still makes that claim. HD650 are some of the best open back phones I’ve heard with dynamic drivers. I’ve wanted a set for years after I auditioned some at Grace Design (actually theirs were HD800’s I believe).

Edit: actually farther down in the article Martin addresses what is needed to simulate speaker playback with the discussions on cross feed software and circuitry.

The point of open back phones is not intentional cross feed of channels to emulate speaker playback.

Last edited by rockstar_not; 06/12/18 05:39 AM.