C.Dan, I have been following much of what you have been saying in various threads. I've been knocked pretty hard on this forum for giving advice where it's not asked for; so I will refrain from that.

The two things I will comment on though are :

But now music is moving more to be seen.

In the 80's with the advent of MTV, that was by far, more the case than today. Don't get me wrong, video is still a big vehicle for music consumption. However, there is A LOT of music being consumed without video at all. A LOT.

Some people write songs for other people to have fun. Many people write songs to make money.
The key is to be able to have fun and make money at the same time.
That is to see who can create the best song ever and who can make the most money.

This is a very narrow view of why people write. There are a good number of people that don't write music for either of the reasons you cited.

Some couldn't care less if they ever made a penny from there music.

Also, some couldn't care less if anyone else ever liked their music. They write their music to express themselves; regardless of outside approval.

As far as profanity in music; there are way more songs that chart every year that don't use a single word of profanity. If you feel you need it, go for it. If not, don't. It's that simple. Some people are given a "pass" for certain things like that; other's are not. That's life. It's not just in music.

There is SO much more to be concerned with in writing a hit song than if it has profanity or not UNLESS you are writing in genres that don't really allow that yet. You really won't find any F-Bombs in any radio country as of yet. The record companies simply don't allow it.

Just a few things to consider as you move forward on your journey.

And to be clear, go for it! I'm not in any way suggesting not to write the best song ever; or to make money at it.

Last edited by HearToLearn; 06/12/18 07:06 AM.

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.