The thing is I don't want to use the "N" word and the thing is I don't like the word being sold and used by anyone...I hate that word.
But It seems that the word is becoming cool in my grand children's vocabulary because they hear it in popular songs these days, but you say they are not allowed to use it. It is weak minds that gather gain from trash. It is hypocritical to throw the word at people and say "You can hear but you can't say it." One song says the word 128 times. I didn't create the word and I don't and will not use it, not because you tell me I can't but because I hate the word. I see a lot of division in society today and I think there are some good lyrics inside all of this....that notion may even give birth to a hit.
This is a Biab forum and this is the last I will discuss this.
