Originally Posted By: JohnJohnJohn

Couple that with the fact that we have a million options vying for our free time that we didn't have when we were kids. Hundreds of TV channels instead of the 2 or 3 we used to have. Thousands of radio programs playing every kind of music you can imagine whereas we had just a handful of local stations when I was young. We have computers we can use to make our own music or play awesome games. And then there is The Internet with its almost unlimited access to free music and information and news and art and books and so on!

So, with all those options that we never used to have it is not at all surprising to me that selling records is almost impossible for all but a few top artists.

....is kinda how I see the odds of getting a hit record these days...like hitting the lottery.

This is kinda it, what J3 said.

Same in the book publishing world (the traditional world of which is going up in flames.)

4,000, yes, FOUR THOUSAND new books hit Kindle EVERY DAY.

I used to download those daily freebies with great titles, then found they were so horrible I couldn't read them. All except for Tie Me Up: Part V, The Hardest Spanking Ever. That was good.

There is just SO MUCH STUFF.

I think the last thing I spent big money on was the Hilary Hahn collection, just because when I sit in my den at the end of a nerve racking day and listen to her I can close my eyes and go to heaven.

And if she comes to play nearby I will shell out $500 for a front row seat in a second, because she takes me to heaven.

The math and money equation is really easy for me as spender.

Take me to heaven and I will pay you.

No jokes J3!!!!!! I am warning you!!!! smile

Last edited by David Snyder; 06/15/18 02:30 AM.