Other than that I see no reason to go to Win10.

Except that, unless Microsoft extends it like it did with Windows XP, Windows 7 goes end-of-life in 2020, which means no security patch updates. If you stay off the web, that's not a problem; but if you access the internet, that could ultimately be risky.

I actually remember years ago there was a network-based virus going around. If you set up a new machine (I believe this was under Windows 98) and attached to the internet before installing anti-virus or eventually the appropriate O/S patch, it could and would get you. It did get me, until I learned the lesson. Of course, current routers and firewalls take care of a lot of that for you now, but just saying, it can happen.

While Windows 7 will work for awhile, over time, you'll find most vendors will start dropping support for the previous operating systems. So eventually, you'll have to go to Windows 10 if you want to run the latest version of software (there will always be those have have full backward compatibility, but they usually aren't the major applications you run).

And I suspect we will eventually get to 128-bit architecture, and we then get to go through all the hand-wringing and teeth gnashing all over again as with 32-bit versus 64-bit.

No, you don't have to go to Windows 10 today, but eventually, you'll be forced into it. More and more apps are dropping XP support (it may work, but you're on your own); I believe the same will happen with Windows 7, 8, and 8.1, and I've even seen some utilities recently that stated they don't even work with the original versions of Windows 10.

You can go to Linux (or Apple), but you will have to re-buy all your software (or embrace open source, for which there are some great programs, but also limitations). And even some open-source software is not free.


Laptop-HP Omen I7 Win11Pro 32GB 2x2TB, 1x4TB SSD
Desktop-ASUS-I7 Win10Pro 32GB 2x1.5TB, 2x2TB, 1x4TB SATA

BB2024/UMC404HD/Casios/Cakewalk/Reaper/Studio One/MixBus/Notion/Finale/Dorico/Noteworthy/NI/Halion/IK
