Originally Posted By: animarorecords
Hello, Robert and Janice

What an unique song!
Even if I think to make such a song, it is not easy to make it.
I agree with Scott.
Janice was a perfect choice to sing the song. Her delivery to the song to the awesome level.
Enjoyed my listen a lot.

Best regards.

Shigeki Adachi

Thank you Shigeki - I appreciate your kind comments.


Originally Posted By: floyd jane
As everyone has mentioned... definitely unique.

"they`re dragging my piano
out into the cotton"

One of many interesting images and/or phrases.

The instrumentation fits the song nicely. A good mix. (I thought the drums were a bit busy for the style of song).

The best possible singer. How could you go wrong?

Another fine listen from you guys.


Thanks for the listen and positive review.
There was me thinking I`d written a straight ahead country rocker...but ok,I`ll settle for moving this into the unique/different category!
I like the drums except in spots in the verses where I agree they are too busy... really have to get to grips with how to edit the realdrum tracks sometime.
