Originally Posted By: dcuny
Originally Posted By: MarioD
I have and use Passion Flute a lot. You can get a very realistic flute sound if you use a wind controller, breath controller or an expression pedal for volume.

Thanks for the information! I've got an EWI, so I don't really have any excuses!

NI is still running their 50% upgrade sale, and at this point in my budget, it's a decision between Passion Flute vs. upgrading Session Horns to Session Horns Pro. I've never had much luck with Session Horns, but I'm wondering if the Pro version has decent solo instruments - it's hard to tell from the reviews. Most seem to say that it's good for short and punchy lines, but for legato stuff, not so much.

Of course, I'm trying to figure out how I can get both. wink

I have an EWI-USB that I use for wind instruments.

I am very selective of NI instruments. The few that I have tried have come up short. But using the EWI with NI's factory library doesn't sound to bad. If you want realistic saxes look at The Saxes by Swan Instruments:


They are expensive but the best sounding saxes that I have heard, especially when using the EWI.

A great sounding trumpet can be found at Realitone's screaming trumpet:


This is the most realistic trumpet that I have heard.

You have to set up Kontakt for a wind controller but that is not hard at all.

You know you're getting old when a recliner and a heating pad is your idea of a hot date!

64 bit Win 10 Pro, the latest BiaB/RB, Roland Octa-Capture audio interface, a ton of software/hardware