Great stuff Charlie, thanks!!!!!

I love that song!!! I did the first time too. smile

As for the multi-track recorder aspect, I think the work flow you have described is very cool.

However, I pick a basic foundation in BIAB and then open that in Real Band for my work flow. (Just a different approach.)


For the life of me, I can't figure out why people poo poo Real Band as a DAW. Where else can you go and order up (read: generate) an instant .wav string section, horn section, steel, resonator, thousands of guitars, live singers, whatever you want? Answer: nowhere else!

Also I record ALL of my audio in Real Band. Why? Because it never clips and it is easy as heck to edit in there, you can edit down to the millisecond whereas Sonar will drive you out of your mind if you try and edit within a measure.

Anyhoo, I do all my audio rendering and recording and editing in Real Band, THEN I export all files as individual .wavs and MIX in Sonar. Not record, but MIX. For recording, I am going with Real Band baby.

On the song I posted up top:

Yeah, I submitted two versions of that tune, one with a choir at about 2:35. (BTW, I just got shortlisted for something else that was vastly inferior, in my own opinion, so we will see. This is much more advanced, I think, owing to the inclusion of those EDM tracks.)

There is a build around 1:35.

With film stuff there is a real fine line between adding stuff and keeping it somewhat monotonous. I discuss this with buddies in LA all the time.

If you watch shows like "The Last Kingdom" and stuff like that, you will notice A LOT of monotony and repetition during fight scenes, conquests, battles at sea, etc. But then when they put in their own sword clashes, thuds, screams, etc. whatever, it rounds it out.

I think for some stuff you have to leave room for them to add their own gunshots so to speak.

It is tricky, and every composer is kind of in a no man's land of guessing after a certain point.

That is why I submit multiple versions...

and keeping studying, and experimenting.