Originally Posted By: dcuny
Fun listen, solidly done all around. Loved the banjo poking through near the end.

The only nit is "what you're made of"... Hey, I had to look for something! grin

It's a good reminder that it I looked hard enough, I could find everything I needed to build my track in BiaB.

Except for Janice, of course! laugh

Thanks, David. I corrected my spelling error. smile I don't know about "looking hard" - but there is so much to choose from, you seldom need to look elsewhere - and looking is half the fun. (Oooh! Song title! Don't steal that one...).

It is surprising there isn't a Janice RT yet...

Originally Posted By: Deej56

Boy, I really like this tune. The repetition of “twisted’ in the chorus really gives this tune a hook—magnetic. But the lyrics just work throughout the song and it’s what, for me, makes this song work in all the right ways. Killer guitar solo, BTW. Add to it the great production—you have a terrific song here. Bravo!

All the best,


Deej - thanks for the nice review...

Originally Posted By: PeterF
Sent Leon a link and he said:

"Tell Floyd great job from me"

Peter (it's the best I can do....)

Peter - thanks for relaying the message! Nice to hear form Leon! smile