dcuny, Thanks for your comment. Here's my answer. Please don't take the lack of titles as being dispassionate. It's actually quite the opposite. I haven't named them because I can't bring myself to do it yet. This may be hard to understand. My musical life had been all about words since I began songwriting at 16. As a Nashville songwriter in the 90s, and with rock beforehand, it had been about words, lyrics, storytelling, and hooks. While I always liked some elements of Jazz, I wasn't head over heels for it until 3 years ago, and that's partly because the music I loved always had great lyrical elements to it. My musical expression is quite the opposite now. I feel that I've said everything I wanted to say with words, and now much prefer to express myself instrumentally. The tracks are very important to me and I feel that giving them the wrong name or a throwaway title will somehow negate them. I don't know how most jazzers come up with their titles. It's hard for me to commit to an arbitrary name that doesn't have a strong connection to the tune, as again, particularly with Nashville songcraft, every word mattered. I suspect that at some point I'm just going to have to name them but I dread it. By the way, I'd be extremely open to and grateful for good suggestions when something strikes any of you! Thanks again.

Last edited by Warren Keller; 07/19/18 03:08 PM.

Best, Warren

Warren A. Keller- Woodwindist/Producer
Spontaneous Groovin' Combustion
Tune 9 Music- SESAC