Originally Posted By: Al-David
Robert & Scott,

What a fantastic song! The lyric (a classic, in my opinion) is haunting and entertaining. Robert's vocal is as perfect as could be for such a song. The backing tracks, particularly the percussion, steers this song from beginning to end - and makes all the right turns. And Scott's guitar work is fabulous, as always.

It doesn't get much better than this, regardless of genre. Take a bow, gentlemen!


Thank you! I settled on that drum track (I`ve used it before on folk rock) after trying to get a bodhran track to work.
I`m glad you like the lyrics - I went to the location in S. England in early teens and had a creepy experience alone in the woods there, so never forgot about the place.


Originally Posted By: PeterF
Robert Scott Band

Amazing work! Brilliant set of lyrics and some wonderful guitar & vocals.
A stellar production.


Well we are getting to the point we should think about a name!
Thank you for the listen and likes.

Originally Posted By: floyd jane

This is a truly excellent write (one of your best, for sure).

"accusing from the water
Sam`s body will not stay hid"

Just one example (of so many) of well worded descriptions...

The 4 lines matched to
"in the devil`s the devil`s punchbowl"

"cunning greed and malice they throw"
"and blood enough to drown your soul"
"no fitter liquor no blacker hole"
"come rogues come fools pay your toll"

...show true songwriting skill. Impressive that each of those lines are as strong as the next.

And it never lets up. A story WELL TOLD start to finish!

A good band to carry it, too... And a good mix.


Your guitar work works perfectly. Supportive, never "in the way" or vying for attention - right in the slot. Nice!

This is superb.



The electric band style seems to have gone out of favour, but for a while it did revive interest in traditional folk music in the UK. To my ears Scott brings some cool western influence to this.
I appreciate those comments on the lyrics- trying to write something that gives me goosebumps, its always a boost when the words resonate with others.
