Originally Posted By: Guitarhacker
Same deal with tape vs digital. I've had tape machines in 4 track and been in studios with much larger machines. Editing and working with tape is a PITA. Cut and splice took a phenomenal amount of skill and patience to get it right. I much prefer the digital domain. Regarding the whole "analog sounds better" argument...... I don't buy it.

Nor do I.....but, to each their own.

I grew up in the analog recording world just like many here.
I've had/recorded on (4) track cassette machines and (2) R/R machines (the TEAC A3440S and the Fostex Model 80) which served me well as true work horses for well over 20 years.
But, the maintenance required was a total time vampire....and I did the maintenance religiously every day.
I still have my old head de-magnetizer though in a box....somewhere.
Those days are done for me....I'd never go back.

If the analog trend is real and that demographic continues to grow I'll be investing heavily in Johnson & Johnson Q-tips and pinch roller rubber cleaner. smile

Carry on....

Last edited by chulaivet1966; 08/06/18 07:18 AM.