Maybe a move to the Lake Chapala area is in order. I played there a few times, and have friends there. Such a large population on Canadians and Americans they don't have those problems often.

But I have a friend with a big sailboat he leaves there, and he has to stash envelopes all over and call and tell someone where to get them so the inspector of white sailboats with 3 masts in harbour on the 3rd Tuesday of the month gets his $50 or else. Then comes the inspector of Sailboats longer than 10 meters and he gets to pay him, and so on.

I did however have to pay $20 bucks US to some cop for permission for our band to play the Mexican National Anthem. That was weird, good thing our host knew that it was illegal, and had a form for the local cop to sign, they could have put us all in jail.

The crazy thing is the Mayor was there, and he collected the 20 from the cop after we were done. Weird.

John Conley
Musica est vita