Originally Posted By: Samuel Davis
Well Bob, maybe not a lot of money being seen by us here but we're having fun making music and there is the possibility of recouping some of the expenses through licensing using Songtradr. I don't think any of us are purely in it for the money and if you are then you are in the wrong business and should just stop. We make music because we love to and if we can make a little cash off of it why not?

I'm probably one of the few people on this forum that makes a living off of playing music but very... VERY little of that comes from songwriting and recording. What little extra money I make performing usually goes right back into my art so I can get better tools and skills to get better at recording and producing. Maybe one day I'll make that next hit song or get a $50k licensing deal (which would be great) but that's not why I make music. I do it because I love it.

Well, Sammy, you don't know me at all. Judging by your videos, though, I was making money playing music before you were even born. In New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, Miami...you've heard of these places, right?

I've paid more dues than you could even imagine, so have a little respect.



Last edited by 90 dB; 08/17/18 03:28 AM.