Computers and such are far different animals than many historical products.
Technology moves much faster than hardware can support.

Eventually any system reaches a point where it's hardware capabilities can't keep up. So 'soldering/replacing a part' makes no sense; the whole system gets obsolete pretty quickly anyway.

It's not whether they 'could' make parts replaceable, but more a question of whether it is worth it for anyone in the long run.

In this day/age computers are not meant to be repaired for decades. For the price point we can get them at it is much more efficient to replace them, but then we do end up with a lot of waste.

We need a better way of handling the waste .. but that costs money. At this point, handling the cost of the waste is really the issue.

We can buy a new spiffy system for $450 .. but nothing in that cost covers the waste; that's the buyer's problem.

Recycling needs to be incorporated into manufacturer costs (and retail price adjustments) but nobody will like that solution either.either.

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome