Before I start this update, thanks to all who have tried to help. Thanks to Kent for sending me the jbridge info.

So I gave it a try. I downloaded and unzipped the jbridge. Installed it where the old one supposedly is: C:\jbridge.
It also mentions I might have to use the jbridger tool. If so, just go to Start-Programs-jbridge-jbridger. I looked to see if I can find that. I have nothing that says start and there is no jbridger tool evident in what I have.

So I moved on. My directory says I have Amplitube 3. It is installed at C:\Program Files x86\VST Plugins. I tried to add that as a VST. There were two error messages but the second one is the best. It says Amplitube is not a valid VST plugin.

So then I downloaded a free 32 bit bass VST from Ample. I installed it with my other plugins (how I got those I don't know). They are at C:\Program Files x86\Steinberg\VST Plugins. I checked the directory and it is there.

Went to RB and pulled up a project from BB. I had sound on the bass track and it says the sound is from Sample Tank. But it gave me a warning message about needing administrative rights to use it. I tried to add the Ample VST and RB wouldn't. So I gave up and tried to listen to the track with Sample Tank. Now I can't hear a thing.

Seems hopeless to me. Goodnight to all and thanks again for trying to help me.


i5-3210 laptop. Win 10 Home. 2.5ghz, 64 bit. 6gb RAM. Focusrite Scarlet 2i2.