90 dB,
Thank you! I actually thought that vocals are too loud. Mixing is my nemesis smile
Will try to balance it more.

Jim, Super thank you for honesty!
I like to experiment with styles and try to do as much improvising as I can.
Took note of HF and compression and will try to play around with these.

Before BIAB... whatever I could get a hold of. Life musicians, arranger styles, loops, hardware sequencers such as Yamaha QY. Anything that worked effectively fast as time is very limited.

For example this song (Goodbyes to last sunset) I wrote in a day and a half. You are right, I could of singed better smile but I am more interested in variety, sort of musical sketches. If I enjoy the style I can "stay in it" for longer period which would translate in better vocals. But usually I do not come back to "re-write" song, only to re-mix.

Thank you!