I am going to disagree that classical training gets in the way of anything.

I can play straight up classical just sighting reading away on some pretty complex pieces and I can also improv my butt off with the best of them--and have--and can write a pretty good song in 15 minutes.

My classical training has only enhanced my ability to let me go into Carlos Santana free fall when I am given a solo.

I can pull the hell out of my whammy bar on the strat, hold it up to the amp and make it feed back and howl, make the girls scream, and all the while be pulling my notes straight out of a Bach violin piece.

I can jam with anybody, anywhere at any time, and as they say in the black church bands I have played with--"Charts? We don't use charts."

Don't need 'em. Just tell me the key and I'm gone.

And it's all from classical.

Classic example from this forum.

I am getting some comments on a recent song post "Listen to the Rain" being "transcendent."

Thanks--but it is Well-Tempered Clavier.

Bach is the man.

He gave us Blackbird too. McCartney admits it.

Or go to 3:18 here.


This is classical.

But it is also Purple.

Peace to all.

--The Artist Formerly Known as David Snyder