Tano, I do understand where you are coming from. Sometimes in my life I have also felt the addictive need for approval and sought it out, elated where it happened and then depressed if I didn't get it or was criticized. There was also a frustration, and sort of a pressure to trying to do repeat performances and to keep proving my worth to others.

But as I have continued on my journey of songwriting, seven years now and about 350 songs, I have gotten better (more confident inside) about critiquing myself and realizing that many times what other people say is just their preferences or how they would do it and if you took their advice it would not make a better song. The real question is "do you like the song". Would you feel happy to sing or play that song over and over? So for me the need for "approval" sort of as an addiction has lessened a lot. I think when you feel happy with what you have done inside it doesn't matter so much what others think or say.

I have often questioned the whole "liking" issue and used to think "What does anyone learn from that?" But now I see it's more of an encouragement thing from like minded people that you contributed and put your heart and soul in trying to create something beautiful. I do like constructive comments if they are helpful and I will listen if I think they make the song better, especially from someone who is much more experienced than I am. But sometimes I listen and I just see it's how someone else would do something and it's not me and I just thank them for their input.

Everyone is different in how they create and no one should feel pressured if that's how creating works for them. I do write fairly frequently and am always doing challenges on various internet sites and that motivates me and keeps me writing. But not all of the songs are "hits" and sometimes they might just be bad, but it's okay and I don't try to judge them. I might use the idea in a song later or maybe a couple nice lines came out even though the whole song didn't work. So, I hope you read all the good input from the others here and feel that you are sooo welcome anytime you want to post something.

Last edited by Belladonna; 01/08/19 03:14 PM.