Originally Posted By: DeaconBlues09
This has a beautiful, slightly pensive, feel I'm just loving.

Glad you decided to include lyrics. It comes together great!

Thanks for checking out the song. Glad you liked it.

Originally Posted By: floyd jane

When I saw the song was 5+ minutes long, I thought I would loss interest at some point (being accustom to the 3-minute thing). That never happened. A credit to you both.

Cool song. Interesting lyric. Nice tracks to carry it.

Nice guitar work, Scott.

Whoever mixed this did a fine job. One of your best.


Thanks Floyd Really glad you liked the song. I had done my three guitar tracks in Reaper and did some panning of the two leads and the harmonics track. Then I sent the wavs to Robert and he did the mix and master of the track. I also think he did a great job with the mix.

Originally Posted By: 44kfl
Awesome! Cool!

I'm a fan, love what you guys do together

you're one of my favorite modern bands

I feel like it's a fevered dream and I can't quite keep up with

the images flashing by in a rapidly changing landscape

but it keeps my interest and I like it

sometimes you play the clown
marionette falling down
in the grown up
puppet show

cut the kite from the string
uncoil your spring
amaze the day
before its flown

(not just to disagree with Ray) but I relate to and love these lines

amaze the day is perfect to me


Thanks Kenny Glad you liked our latest song. Robert has been very busy working on some other projects and I am so glad he took out sometime to put this one together with me.

Roberts lyrics tell a story and when you read them while the song is being sung they can really draw you in.

Scott Collingwood