rharv, Have been using the MV-30 sounds along with an Alesis drum machine which I daisy chain. My midi input devices when I get the new computer will be my Yamaha S-80 keyboard and the same Alesis drum machine. But then I'm sure I'll be downloading some on-line sounds like Hammond B-3, real drums, etc. I'm alittle reluctant about Windows 7 because it's still too new from what I read. Still some problems. So it's probably either the Vista or XP Pro. I play in a band that uses "backing tracks" (from mostly Power Tracks). The other member makes a living trouble shooting computers at work so he's helping guide me thru alot of this. But I've always believed the more input/opinions I get the better off I'll be.

Gotta tell ya . . .it's hard giving up almost 20 years of just midi alone. Steppin into the pc world to lay down my tracks, guitar, vocals is intimidating and so far petty frustrating. But like everything there's a learning curve.

I'll quit whining now and thanks again for any and all input you and others are giving me.