Hi Greg, Ray Deej56 and Jim,

Thanks a lot for your very kind words. I wrote I hesitated about posting this song, but your words gave me the conviction it was a right choice to do so. So thanks for that.
My decicion to make this song was mainly that I wanted to challenge myself making a waltz with tempochanges forth and back and sounds like a waltz. I had all sorts of ideas about strings that swell up when a chorus starts (like in those classical waltzes, but I couldn't find suitable instruments in BB or on my keyboard. I thought I had this song ready, but noticed it didn't sound like a waltz And the lyrics did not rhyme!
Than I thought 'keep it simple'. Still the song took me a lot of time and instruments. Two kinds of basses, drums, guitars for the chorus, a nylonstring guitar and fiddle for the verses and two cello's. And I wanted to sing with multiple vocals in the sub-chorusses and chorusses, but Stefan pursuaded me to do solo-vocals

Greg, you called it a poignant story. I agree on that, but it was fantasized. I had no real live examples in mind. Only how I would act if this happens to me.

Ray, I'm so glad with your words, but also a bit amazed that you had no complains about this song, the performance or the mixing of it all. I thought, what have I done wrong? (I'm teasing a bit). I know you always give good comment and advise, and with your comment on this song the bar for future songs will lay higher. A challenge for me!

Deej56, I like what you wrote about this song. Especially that 'at fist you were not sold by tempochanges', but got sold eventually. You become a fan of waltzes now?

Jim, you know how nice you can write? What a nice two sentences: The slow-engulfing melancholy of the present..., Contrasted with the fast exuberating memories from the past... I really want me to find words like that for a new song. Thanks for putting your comment like this.


Hans Berkhout