Hi James,

Your song is very emotional and it was a good choice to have spoken lyrics in it. I remember you did it before in that christmassong and that also turns out very nice. The song kept my attention till the end. That's a good thing, because it is a very long song!

But the pauses you take between some words are sometimes too long (to me). This was also the case in your former song I mentioned. There you fixed it properly. Maybe you can speak out the word more stretched to createa bridge between those words and make it feel there is no gap in between?

I also agree with Robert and Floyd that the solo is not really fitting in the song. The leadguitar did a nice job, but the song needs something slower. And I understand you need something 'dramatic' in your song as a bridge, but that could also be a build-up with a long high 'swipe' (is this the right word?).
All together it is a very nice performed song.
And now I'm curious what 'wild' song you have in mind for your next post ;-)


Hans Berkhout