I'd like to use Real Band in real-time with people I used to play live with.
Does anyone know how to do this?

Have you any hints or tips?

I use Band In A Box to start my songs and then record over the guide tracks I produce.

I can send out wav tracks by importing the SGU file into Realband and render them to wav and send via Wetransfer.

I'm nearly finished my current project - Celtic Tiger - but I have 4 more tracks to complete.

Latency is a problem for some friends I've sent demos to as they cannot yet play in time with the demo.

I've advised using Asio 4 all as this is what I use but not everyone has the same equipment or broadband access.

It would be great if we could meet up online and discuss what to do.

If anyone is interested in this project the utube playlist for this project is

Celtic Tiger Playlist

It's my autobiography set to music.

As lifelong bipolar music is my preferred therapy.

Be well, take care & keep on rocking.