Originally Posted By: TexasFrets
Thanks so much, Hans, for your supportive words.

Thanks for the head's up on the disturbance in the vocals. I'll go back and check it out. I ran the vocals like this: Mojave 301 -> Great River -> Distressor -> RME Babyface. But then inside Studio One, I used a preset in T-RackS 5. I'll go back through and see if I can tell where the disturbance started so I can avoid that when I rewrite the lyrics and re-record the song. If you happen to remember where the disturbance happened and can let me know, that would be super helpful.

As far as the 3 hours. I had originally written this song as part of a translitic exercise in 2017, so I had the chords all worked out on guitar. I have a bunch of templates already set up in BIAB and Studio One, so recording a sketch usually goes pretty quickly. Polishing the song though usually goes slowly. ;-)

Thanks again for your kind words.


Originally Posted By: Birchwood
Hi TexasFrets,

I agree with Dave (post above) you made a nice song. Fine melody and good sung!
Nice story too.

I heard a little disturbance (overstretched?) of the nice vocals. I think the cause is in the in the recording maybe?
Doesn't matter much. You did a very good job in so little time (really 3 hours?).
To me 'that is an acceptance that I will never apprehend everything that there is to know'... (free from your Translitic text).

Nice day,

Thanks for your clear response. The disturbance I heard was throughout the vocaltrack in the high end as if it is was recorded a tiny bit too loud. Nothing really to lay awake for.

Continue the good work!

Hans Berkhout