I have a MOXF8 and also have not been able to get sounds from it to work. I did not find a moxf .pat file, though there is a .dx (drums), so I created a .pat and will send it to support once I know it actually works. If someone wants it quickly to verify, email me @ rick.morin@cox.net to give it a try. in return please guide me. I looked at several of the other .pat files and see a ZEROBASED line in many of them, wondering what that is about? The pat looks like this:

; Author Rick Morin on 7-23-2020
; Created from the Yamaha MOXF Data List PDF. It contains all 9 presets with 128 voices.
1.0.0=Piano:Concert Grand Piano
2.0.0=Piano:Rock Brite Piano
3.0.0=Piano:CP 2007
; etc...

Now that I have the .pat I've tried a few thing but can not get BIAB to work with my moxf. Here are some of my settings:

- song mode, on a song I mapped some sounds in the mixer
- Quick Setup 6 VST Mode (not sure that's correct)
- midi in Ch1
- midi out ch3

Hoping someone can help.

