Hi Herb,

I have no intentions of stopping my use of BIAB. I also will continue to collaborate with musicians over the internet, both here in the USA and in other countries.

There is nothing inherently wrong with any software method of creating music.

Software can not currently duplicate live interaction with other musicians any more than a DJ can replace a live band. Perhaps we will have AI's in the not to distant future that will. This is not to say high quality music can not be created with software because it can.

As far as cost....nothing is cheap in today's world. About $600 to play a round of golf at Pebble Beach. Add $145 more for a caddie. It cost me a thousand dollars ever time I set foot on my boat. The boat is a nothing little 28 foot center console with twin 250 HP outboards. Cost $158,000. Cost 6 to 7K per year to maintain. The house in Marathon...don't even ask. I sold my airplane, to old to fly, can't afford the $400 per hour to use it.

I am no longer willing to work a hundred hours a week to afford a lot of the stuff I use to do.

So in the scheme of things a couple of thousand dollars for some studio time is no more expensive than going fishing. Please don't misconstrue what I am saying and think I am some rich guy because I am not. I have worked my rear end off for sixty years to acquire a few things. I still work...just not so hard.

I find that creating something in BIAB is pretty easy IF you start in BIAB and stay within the pre recorded concepts it contains. I find it super difficult to use for musical ideas developed outside of the software. Herb, your a guitar player, go listen to the three guitar players in the video a few post back. Show me how you could ever even come closed to duplicating that in BIAB. Does a Tom Anderson guitar sound like a PRS? (there are two Anderson guitars and one PRS in the video). You will never find that level of detail in any software.

While we are on the subject of guitars, which are plentiful in BIAB, please explain to me how it would be possible to get close to a Gary Moore style solo as in Parisienne Walkways. You and I can play the solo, perhaps we don't have a vintage Les Paul and a couple of Marshall amps but if we played it you could recognize it. I am just using this as an example that anyone can go listen to on the internet. This is what I mean about starting with a concept outside of BIAB. I have tried without success just to get BIAB to play out just the chord structure. Perhaps that could be done, I don't know. Can you tell BIAB to arpeggiate a chord in a defined manner?

Well...enough of all this...I want to go play some guitar on a middle eastern song a friend of mine is writing. Gives me a chance to learn a few new words in Arabic...lol It hopefully will distract him from all the brutal crap that is going on in Beirut.



New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo