@ Manning1 ... I mightly respect your assiduous and methodical approach to problem solving ... that's undoubtedly why your were a successful computer engineer.

But I'm just a pragmatic, 'wanna be' computer musician. I'm happy to help with something I know about ... in small repay for all the fantastic help I've received on one forum or another over the years. Once my problem is solved I'm usually back to the music ... or surfin' the forums for what's interesting.

I'll try to take a look at the dts thingey. I'm always open to bullet proofing my setup.

As Mac says above, let's let BIAB sort it out. I already sent a request to BIAB ... answered by Andrew to acknowledge this thread.

I'm sure there must be some small sub-routine/ macro that runs with the 'OK' button that interferes with some and not others selecting the ASIO drivers.

I'm also eager to hear if 'FrankK's Fix' ... I think i'd rather call it 'Frankie Kay's Fix,' rolls of the tongue a little more sonically ... solves Mac's 1616m issues. I've got one sitting in the closet and I've been thinking about buying the new PCIe card from E-Mu and then selling my Echo Layla (whose current resale price is a pittance of what it's really worth!)
