Not speaking for Matt, but my own reasoning below
if RealBand is a DAW...why do you use another one with it?

Many musician/recording environments do not have access to BiaB/RB.
If I send a Reaper/Sonar file they can download the app needed to open the file if necessary. That's one reason. Most studios can open a Reaper file.
Sometimes I move a project to another DAW near the end of my workflow simply for a change of pace, other times to try something new. Sometimes just working in a different DAW makes you look at things a little differently (it can help when you feel like a song is 'in a rut' and needs *something*) ..

As for your original question:
Say I have my basic song done in BiaB (chords/tempo and initial style)
I can open it in RB.
My first step is to always 'Make all BB tracks regular tracks'
This way they behave like a track in your DAW, but still can be regenerated if desired, in whole or in part. They will not keep autogenerating; you have to tell RB to specifically generate them from then on. This way there are no surprises and you generate/regenerate each one in whole or sections until you are happy with it and then it 'sticks'. Kind of like being Frozen in BB, but more flexible.

Say I like what I have so far, but I want the guitar to change on a certain section to a different realtrack, so the whole feel of the song changes ..
I can generate that section on one of the unused 40 available tracks and tinker with it without worrying about any existing tracks.
I can also Insert 4 bars and Regenerate just those four bars on any given track(s)
I can also record any of my own Audio tracks or MIDI tracks using other of the 48 available.

I can also use FX,Synths, etc much like other DAWs.

When done, if I want something another DAW offers, I can easily drag the tracks as MIDI or Audio to other DAWs.
I use it because it is much more powerful/flexible than BiaB, though that gap changes every year.
Plus I cut my teeth on Powertracks, so the RB workflow and UI is comfortable for me as a DAW.

I can do most of what I want in RB, so I do so in order to retain the generating capabilities.
When/if I need to go to another DAW, either for me or someone else, it's easy to do.

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome