Wow! 14? I don't think I started until 19. It was a song about Jewish concentration camps called "Monday Mourning." A bit too heavy of subject matter for my friends and girlfriend of the time to relate to. So, I'm impressed you went the relatable route right away!

I think this song is beautiful. The picked guitar works well with the background fills. Then that piano comes in to bring it to another level without seeming like you are adding too much to get there.

I will take it a step further by saying I didn't get to hear it with drums. Thank you for that! It's one thing to not need them, it's another if they take a song where it shouldn't go.

Thanks for sharing this.

To you 14 year old self, stick with this. You will touch many with your wonderful songs.

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.