I think it is important to decide why you would write any song. Is the reason to become commercially successful? Is the reason because you like to write songs and don't care about money? Is the reason because you want to be liked and accepted by other people?

Obviously there can be many motivation to write a song. The approach and process needs to fit the end goal.

Nothing more than a sheet of paper is needed to write a song if you are a highly trained and skilled musician. The other end of that spectrum is the multi million dollar studio with more or less unlimited resources. BIAB is a tool that sets somewhere in the middle. It can only do what it is designed to do.

Professional songwriters with a lot of experience may be able to recognize a really good song when they see or hear it. Most songwriters are the least qualified to recognize a good song.

Weather or not a lot of people like one of your songs depends on who sings it. If I write a good song and post it somewhere it is very unlikely anyone will pay any attention no matter how good it is. If Luke Bryan decides to record it everything changes considerably.

As far a using BIAB goes, it is well equipped to to give generic answers to the question of what style best suits this song. It is very good at providing a easy method of construction a simple chord structure for a song, if and only if that structure will fit into the restrictions of the software.

Finally, the way you know that you have written a really good song is if many famous artist have recorded it and it continues to generate revenue year after year. That would be a good start but even that would not make you a Bernie Taupin ...lol


New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo