
I know that you like your rhymes perfect

…at the very least, Noel!

everything fine here, thanks - but we could do with some Aussie temperatures.
I can just picture you sitting there now, jotting down a line then crossing it out muttering into your XXXX "nah mate, that would never get past Marc!"

I had a few trial runs with "stone" which I didn't include yesterday as the rhyme still isn't perfect.*

I very much share your songwriter’s view that what we really want to do is get the song in the can as quickly as possible in an acceptable way and move on to the next one.

With regard to non-lead vocal lines (whether harms or 2ble tracking) I wonder if it’s not quicker simply to record them - using the settings already entered for the lead line. By the time you’ve messed around with all the various settings and permutations in harmonising software you could have recorded quite a few takes.

* best of these possibly

Then there was Jonah who was flound'ring in the ocean
He started sinking like a stone
A big ol' fish just scooped him up and swam him safe to shore
God's light once more had shone