Two things and two responses

If a guitar had two mics - on in front and one in back,

I've stereo mic'd a few acoustics and I never thought of putting a mic behind the guitar. All you're going to get back there is the low end and boominess and that's what generally gets EQ'd out. The mic positions are generally going to be on the front and those positions are many. Body sound hole, and neck being the most common stereo placement.

a drum set is not one large instrument, it's a collection of smaller instruments put together, so if you use that logic then each individual instrument only needs one mic.........Keep in mind when reading the above that I'm not the person who records, edits, or mixes our Realtracks (yet), I'm just going from my years of experience with recording in general.

Simon, I'm glad you recognize that... Now..... I, and many others here would love to see PG take the same view and give us the ability to have individual drum tracks so the drums can be fine tuned a bit. Maybe push that idea in some of the staff meetings as a new feature for future drums.... heck, you don't have to go back and redo everything.... just start offering say.... a couple dozen "expanded drum tracks" in the 2022 version.

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Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.