I am really excited by the prospects being discussed in this thread! I am starting to watch the suggested videos and I am listening to a sampling of the tracks at jetracks.com.

I agree that multistyles may be a productive direction for this! I was also thinking a suggestion I (and perhaps others) made in the past that might be great here is the concept of RealStyleCombos. This would be PGM pairing up two or more styles that work well together and making them as easily selectable as a RealStyle. This lets us capitalize on what we already have.

Something else really useful might be RealSongTemplates. This would be a premade song with intro, verse, prechorus, chorus, verse, prechorus, chorus, bridge and final chorus. Each section would come with preselected sections so intro would be an A then verse an B and so on.

And maybe the part markers could be standardized with levels 1-5 where 1 is the "quietest" section used for verses and 5 is the "loudest" used for final chorus.

It would be great to have these "premade" sections draggable so I could build my song with them.

I'm straying too far from the topic now ao I'll stop! laugh