Sorry guys,

I have to jump in here. Apologies in advance if I offend anyone but rd151 deserves a fair go and not everyone in this thread is giving him that. I'm sure rd151 doesn't need me to stick up for him, but I can't stop myself. I'm of the opinion that too many people in the world turn the proverbial "blind eye" these days to far too many things. I don't want to be one of those people.

rd151 asked an honest question in his post and Edward Buckley gave a great answer. Then jazzmammal jumped in and, after reading jazzmammal's posts, I can completely understand why rd151 was offended. I would have been offended if I was inexperienced in the forums. It always seems to come back to the fact that it's impossible to read tone correctly in posts. The corollary of this that it's very easy to misread tone in posts - especially when the very first line says "no need for caps, makes you look foolish". Then in a subsequent post when it says "Wow. Sensitive aren't we.", it's like a red flag to a bull.

rd151 has only made 50 posts in the forums. Even though he joined in 2008, 50 posts suggests that he is not a forum regular.

When you've been actively involved in the forums for a few months, you develop a "feel" for people's personalities. When I read jazzmammal's posts, I know (from my experience) that he is being helpful in his usual style but to someone who is not actively involved in the forums, I imagine that his posts in this particular thread come across as being arrogant and inconsiderate.

rd151: If you want to get a bit of a feel for what Realband can do, have a quick look at the tutorial video at The link is under "Introduction to Realband (Streaming WMV)". With your 10 years of experience, you'd easily be able to gauge the differences between RB and BIAB.


Last edited by Noel96; 03/16/10 05:36 AM.

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